
The Lioce Group - Covid-19 Virus

TLG has taken measures to protect our Huntsville, AL, and Birmingham, AL employees and customers against the spread of the virus.

Please note that TLG is a technology company that specializes in digital workflow. Our technologies for working at home, digital signatures and collaboration are already in place and can help you as well. Please inquire if you need assistance.

Currently as of March 16

  • All employees are to practice social distancing of 6 ft.
  • All employees are instructed wash their hands and use anti-bacterial lotion consistently throughout the day.
  • Common touch areas such as door knobs/handles and copier control panels will be disinfected whenever possible.
  • TLG’s cleaning crew is trained for this response and has taken corrective measures.
  • Technicians are to carry gloves and masks. Each customer should be called in advance by the technician or help desk to confirm we can come onsite. Let us know if you would like us to wear gloves and/or masks.
  • TLG’s technicians have always used anti-bacterial spray and alcohol to clean the machine and are instructed to take extra measure to clean the control panel and common touch areas.
  • Technicians are being dispatched from home starting Tuesday and will only come to the office for necessary business.
  • Sales representatives are advised to work from home. Installation and customer calls will go as planned based on the customer’s acceptance. Sales and installation personnel will have disinfectant wipes and lotion to protect and clean any common touch areas.
  • Supply deliveries will be shipped as much as possible, in place of personal delivery. When a customer needs in-person delivery, the delivery personnel should practice social distancing and deliver to an area 6 ft. from our customers. If possible call ahead and see if our customers require us to wear gloves and/or a mask.
  • Internally, I’m asking everyone not to have meetings of more than 3 people and practice distancing in TLG’s office. When approaching employees the usual distance of a conversation is approximately 3 ft. away. Take an extra step back and have the same conversation.
  • TLG has distributed technology to allow for conference calls, virtual meetings and remote work.
  • TLG is committed to continue our excellent service to our customers as well as protecting them.

Nick Lioce