
Full Toner Container Huntsville, AL & Birmingham, AL

I wanted to thank you and tell you what a great job your folks did with Darth Paper! Late last evening, Laura and I were working on getting out a very large and critical financial plan. I got an error message that the toner collection box was full. I figured we had a spare and Lucas would change it out in the morning and we would still have the plan ready for delivery at 9am. When Lucas got in, he [found] we didn’t have a spare and he called TLG. They had a partially used one in at about 8:45 and we printed it up just over our deadline. These plans are huge and to print them up at Kinko’s or FedEx would have cost us over $350. Anyway, your team did an exceptional job and I hope to have a new one and a spare soon!!! Mike Mickels, President COCHRANMICKELS RETIREMENT SPECIALISTS