
Desktop Multi-Functioning Devices Under $500 Huntsville, AL & Birmingham, AL

Most people think of Office Depot or Staples for devices under $500.00.  It depends on the volumes and purposes for the device.

  • A good rule is a volume of under 300-500 pages per month.

If you are printing less than 15 pages per day, Office Depot and Staples are probably your best fit.  There are two main differences between the devices we sell under $500 and the retail stores;

  • The cost per page on retail models is much higher than TLG’s models
  • TLG will prep, install, train and support the product on-site or carry-in for the life of the device.

So, it stands to reason, if you are printing more than 300 pages per month and/or the product is important to your business, TLG can certainly help you with these smaller units.

There are many inkjet models in this range.  TLG does not sell the inkjet models in this range due to the high cost per page.  Inkjet models in the higher volume machines actually have a lower cost per copy than laser and are a good consideration for the right application. Let TLG set you up with desktop multi-functioning devices for your Huntsville, AL, or Birmingham, AL business.