What are other common pitfalls in the copier industry in Huntsville, AL & Birmingham, AL?

Contact TLG if you are experiencing any of these common pitfalls when purchasing, leasing or maintaining a piece of office equipment. Our goal is to make every Huntsville, AL and Birmingham, AL business we touch better!

  • The copier proposed does not have the accessories you requested.  You find this on installation and end up paying for the accessories.
  • You assume the copier proposed was new only to find upon installation that it is slightly used with copies on it.
  • The model is new, but not a current model and should be discounted.
  • The lease you signed was longer than you thought.  The lease is binding and cannot be broken.
  • The dealer built my maintenance into the lease payment.  I am unable to get the service agreement changed or terminated without buying out the lease.   Always have the lease and maintenance agreement separate.
  • The lease proposal was the cheapest, but now the payment has gone up each year and/or the fees are much higher than I bargained for.
  • I’m paying for copies that I’m not using and can’t adjust my maintenance agreement.  Always try to pay per copy especially for color. All maintenance agreements should be able to be changed or canceled monthly.
  • The dealer is not servicing me well and I can’t cancel the agreement or cancel the lease.  Buy a brand that has another certified dealer in your area and makes sure the maintenance agreement is cancellable.
  • The dealer told me I can cancel the lease or maintenance at any time without penalty.  This is true, but you still have to pay the entire lease or maintenance out, you just didn’t have to pay a penalty.