Who should I buy copiers from in Huntsville, AL & Birmingham, AL?

In Central and North Alabama you have both direct manufacturer outlets and independent dealers.  Below are the companies with good representation and the ability to bring the customer options and ongoing service.

RJ Young Company out of Nashville.  One of the largest independent copier dealers in the nation with offices in most of the southern states. RJ Young represents Canon, Ricoh, Lexmark, and many other manufacturers. RJ carries some of the largest equipment in the market to handle the large production printers in the industry. They have sales branches in Birmingham and Huntsville with local technicians in the area to service your copier. They have strong guarantees for customer service. RJ keeps their copier, parts and supplies inventory centralized in Nashville and has an extensive distribution system to keep their technicians stocked with parts and supplies. www.rjyoung.com

Xerox Business Solutions Southeast (formerly Berney Office Solutions & Stewart of Alabama) This is a combination direct manufacturer with a dealer approach. XBS mostly represents the Xerox line but does have the ability to carry other lines to serve their customers as needed. They have an extensive presence throughout Alabama with their headquarters and centralized warehouse for parts and supplies in Montgomery. Recently XBS has taken strong measures to streamline their locations aimed at cutting costs. https://southeast.xeroxbusinesssolutions.com

Ameri Tek Document Solutions.  This company is based in Guntersville with offices in Huntsville, AL and Birmingham, AL.  Their primary line of equipment is Konica Minolta, but they also have Copystar, Lexmark, KIP and HP.  They have extensive experience in printer management and supplies. A local company with good service and local warehousing. http://myameritek.com

Southeastern Business Machines.  SBM is the oldest local dealer in the area.  Originally started by Earl Bean, SBM is now owned and managed by his son Alan. This dealer carries Toshiba and Sharp copiers with extensive knowledge in large format equipment.   SBM also managed IT services MNS and were an early adopter in this field. A local company with local warehousing and service. www.sebmhsv.com

Canon Solutions America (CSA) – Headquartered out of Melville, NY. This is a Canon direct manufacturer outlet located in Birmingham. CSA represents Canon imaging products. Equipment, parts and supplies for the Birmingham Branch of CSA are warehoused in Norcross Georgia. CSA employs a group of service technicians covering the state of Alabama that can provide service for your copier. www.csa.canon.com

Dex Imaging – Headquartered out of Tampa, FL. Dex was acquired by Staples, Inc. in Q1 2019. Dex has more than 48 locations including a sales office in Birmingham with local technicians available to service your copier. A broad array of manufactures are represented by Dex, including Konica Minolta, Canon, Kyocera, HP and many more. Parts and supplies are warehoused in a regional headquarters. www.deximaging.com

Konica Minolta Business Solutions (KMBS) – Headquartered out of Ramsey, NJ. This is a direct sales branch of Konica Minolta Business solutions located in Birmingham, Alabama which primarily offers Konica Minolta Imaging Products. KMBS employs a group of local service technicians that can provide service for your copier. https://kmbs.konicaminolta.us

ABS Business Systems – Headquartered out of Oxford, AL. – They have locations in Auburn, Attalla and Birmingham. ABS offers Canon, Savin, Toshiba, Lexmark and HP products. This is a local company with adequate service and local warehousing. http://www.absofficesystems.com

Other competitors in Central and North Alabama include:

Ricoh Direct, Kyocera Document Solutions, Sharp Business Systems